Hello everyone,
I suppose you have noticed at this point that the blog title has changed. I decided that in addition to politics, we needed to delve into a little more of what Mr. Dabney alluded to in his post; the secession convention and the peculiar institution that brought our nation to the brink of war. As you know, President Andrew Jackson spoke the words, "Our Federal Union, it must be preserved" during the nullification crisis in the early 1830s. We must look deeper into the drive behind the political leanings in both the North and the South; this means plantation culture and industrialization must be explored as well. Thanks for being patient as I refine the direction of this blog.
As an aside, I also had a relative, Simpson Bobo from Spartanburg District, South Carolina, who served as a representative to the secession convention that met in Charleston on December 20, 1860. the ordinance passed passed unanimously, 169-0
1 comment:
Good name change, Chris. That gives me the leeway (maybe, just maybe) to throw in all the Reconstruction-era stuff that I've collected over the past couple years. Provided, that is, I actually post something soon!
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